Enduracoin 3D gold logo with transparent background

Welcome to Enduracoin

Helping You Preserve the Value of Your Hard-Earned Wealth

Low Volatility. Value Predictability. Ease of Use.

Discover the Future of Digital Currency

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Currency

Changing the Outlook of Cryptocurrency Use

A Cryptocurrency that Endures



­The Enduracoin Foundation, LLC has recognized the growing need for a cryptocurrency that can withstand the volatile nature of the market and the challenges faced by traditional financial assets.


In response, The Enduracoin Foundation, LLC has developed a unique cryptocurrency that serves not only as a means of exchange and store of value but also the added potential to be used as a wealth preservation asset designed to endure.

Crypto Opportunities for Businesses

Unlock Greater Comfort and Economic Opportunity

Many businesses have avoided cryptocurrency adoption due to the extreme volatility of traditional cryptocurrencies. The Enduracoin framework provides a solution to this issue, allowing businesses to decrease volatility and increase confidence in their cryptocurrencies.

Crypto Opportunities for Consumers

Providing a Means to Maintain Value

Many individuals have avoided cryptocurrency adoption due to volatility concerns. However, Enduracoin's unique framework decreases volatility, helping you to maintain the economic value of your hard-earned wealth.

A Unique Cryptocurrency for the Modern World

Enduracoin has been built upon the Ethereum blockchain and encompasses the benefits it and other Ethereum-based networks have to offer. This coupled with Enduracoin's low volatility enables Enduracoin as a viable consideration for your global P2P, B2B, B2C, and C2B transactions.

Start Your Enduracoin Journey Today!

Join our waitlist now to be among the first to experience the power and delight of Enduracoin. We are considering an airdrop of Enduracoin to the first 1.5 million users that join our waitlist and follow us on Twitter / X.

Take the first step towards an Enduracoin future by clicking the link below.

Road Map

Enduracoin Community Proposal / WhitePaper -
(Completed !)

Enduracoin Smart Contracts Development [ENDC] - (Completed !)

Enduracoin Smart Contracts Professionally Audited - (Completed !)

Website Developed and Established - (Completed !)

Custodian / Exchange Agreements - (In Progress...)

Airdrop Year One (Pending...  )

Follower Goals Achieved: Press Release and Community Announcements... - (Pending... )

Business Partnership Interest Assessment - (Pending... )

Interested Business Partners: Press Release and Community Announcements! - (Pending... )

Custodian / Exchange Agreements: Press Release and Community Announcements! - (Pending... )

Future State: [ENDX, ENDCX...], etc... TBD

More To Come!

Enduracoin - E-Stamina image