Public Policy and Compliance


The Enduracoin Foundation is committed to working with governments, law enforcement and standard-setting bodies on compliance and regulatory standards to deter money laundering and terrorism efforts. We support and encourage clear regulatory guidance that we trust will ultimately provide for greater wealth opportunity, stability and innovation for blockchain and cryptocurrency organizations and their users.

Anti-Money Laundering

The Enduracoin Foundation is committed to complying with and supporting Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism laws. We ensure that any partner agreements we make are made with only those who are like minded, practicing and upholding to these commitments as well.

Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change

The Enduracoin Foundation is committed to a clean energy future and is one reason we've selected the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum has decreased their energy foot print significantly since the Ethereum Merge event. We look forward to contributing more towards this overall effort in the future.   

Financial Stability, Growth Opportunity and Inclusion

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The Enduracoin Foundation believes a more financially stable world can exist with the help of blockchain and digital currencies. We encourage financial inclusion for all persons in the world and desire that all populations have access to financial inclusion, of which cryptocurrencies and blockchains can help to provide.